I am a visual artist working with digital and alternative photographic techniques. I work with a number of different themes on an ongoing basis. My main project is concerned with Ocean Plastic Pollution. I create my work sustainably using pinhole cameras and develop the negatives in a seaweed solution. This work informs my other projects.
Influenced by my seafaring ancestral background I have a deep affinity with the sea. I have observed an increasing amount of plastic waste being washed up, daily, on the beaches of my island home. Although there are many artists working in this field I wanted to highlight the level of destruction by making simple images created using sustainable materials rather than beautifying this destructive material. Because of advancing years, I fear I do not have sufficient time to make my artistic voice heard. With this in mind and the sensation of the increasing invisibility that comes with advancing years I am creating a series of self-portraits to run concurrently with the work on plastic pollution.